In my dreams
I finally summon all of me
Back from him
Back from the history
The sin that caused a great death within me
I summon myself back
from the stories he tells at 3am
My body back from his grip
My confidence from his weakness
My voice returns and my lungs expand
The breath he took is now back inside me
I take it all back
The spark that turned wild.
I’ve used my sadness
Cried tears of shame and bottled them up over time tucked them into my ribs my face my stomach and back
The anger aches to come out
That barren land
The wilderness you led me to
Thousands of days and you called it paradise
Just you and me
And all that wandering
And all that shame
The barren land is now dust and ugly
I can see it clearly
and finally when I walk away the plains they are my own. I reclaim my territory. I go towards a new land without him leasing me a stray.
I take back with my sorrow just like that
I take back my joy
I am painting over this with fresh ink
I’ll paint to erase what was once permanently in place
Some men paint you without even looking for the truth. They just want you to shut your mouth and indulge in the fantasy of themselves being great
All powerful
And I
They write you like they invented you.the physical the essence the soul of you. They will write songs and poetry to show you that they created you and then they except me to give them a gold star or my body bc of this. The will paint you with their eyes closed what your future looks like in oil on canvas they romanticize themselves loving me by possessing me to the point of a cartoon a romanced version of their perversions. The way sun doesn’t sting at first the way it taste sweet going down but slowly kills you after. He is always calling me a muse to justify what I am to him, simply a fantasy, a thing, a creation of Gods own image he can’t fathom the entirety of me so he never asks me about me he tells me about me. And never once does he notice I too am watching him watch me. And I allowed this to go on many times as sort of a science project. Being a muse is to be a well for men to draw from and in turn try and recreate what I am to serve them. Turns out there’s no exception for allusive secretive obsessive men. They aren’t special at all.In the meanest way possible they are average. All air. Like a parrot they echo your tone like a charlatan they promise you marvelous things. And to think a man could be so stupid to never once consider women are superior and see through this.generations past all the way back to Delilah, we’ve been knowing what you are.
I remember meeting men that weren’t like the users the charlatans. And I have memories of readjusting my posture slightly because although better than the last man. A man is a man. Like a boxer before his match I loosen my neck stretch breathe focus and decide if my opponent is worth it. Mostly it was just entertainment but years later it’s pure rage.
I was in love once
I never had to adjust a thing
I just was
And I will love him until I’m dead unless someone else makes me forget I even cried over him for an entire decade. rejecting each other like polite people taking turns. I don’t regret telling him I loved him 12 years later only for him to respond in silence
For new men I just think
Don’t look for me back there
You’ll find fragments of who I was and who you wanted me to be.
I want the man I am in love with because we know each others history
How can someone love me without knowing me all through my twenties?
my tears are stronger than 100 miles of wild fires you started.
the break in
Nature takes its course
When i feared you i never made fire
I needed no sign of life
For me to be safe enough to sleep
For my heart to find its way to beat and not break not pound not ache
And now that I am bright
I am vulnerable
To you
The gathering kind
The stealing kind
The violent types
Creatures of the night
Nature takes its course
Memory Like A Knife
Even if we love memory.
Even if we use it as a way to devotion.
Even when it’s not.
Even when we dragged it around like a block of light just to see if it lasted.
Even when it breaks.
Even when we know it will break.
Let me be shocked,
sometimes in suffering we find ourselves.
From the archives. 2011.
went to a clinic down in florida
went to a doctor who examined me naked
stood outside the hospital doors just standing
stopped asking questions because I'm just so sick of talking.
he: touched my stomach my chest my feet my thighs my mouth my ribs my knees my my hips my fingers my toes my legs my arms my face my head my ears my back my heart my shins my spine
he: went through the entire physical without looking me in the eyes.
examination room was freezing cold
waiting room was crowded with anxiety bad smells common people it was also:
freezing cold.
people were here to die,just dying
(i kept looking around desperate for someone clinging on to life the way i was)
some people out there just give up on living all together
you realize there is no pill you can swallow no song you can sing no vacation you can take no mouth you can kiss no fling you can have -no dress you can wear no smell that will distract no film that will make you laugh nothing you can bear to eat not one book you can read not a good nights sleep you can get- not a car you can drive no eastern remedy nor western plan you can be no art you can see no words you can speak no ship no sea just nothing nothing can help you sometimes and with this discovery most people I've seen just give up on living because the pain is just too strong its all just too much when everything goes totally wrong,real bad people just freeze up curl up and die on the side of the rode but
i was thinking : see I'm already hurting so how about a little bit of self made shock therapy.
You see no one asked me if my heart was broken
in hospitals they only check the beat.
You see i have felt responsible for ALL of this and then suddenly one day someone comes along with a PhD and tells me that its not all my fault,and then suddenly, free (er) than usual.
THIS WHOLE TIME: you were sick,and now i feel it and im so sorry i didn't feel your sickness for you. im so sorry i didn't hold you longer and cry harder. do you even remember me? do you realize what this distance has done for the bad and good of both of our lives?
Rabbit foot memory
From the archives. 2007.
I was reminding myself
to stop looking at my watch
my hair was halfway up,quite dark
I kept spelling out the sen-tance
"get up,get up"
have I mentioned
I have remained.
avoiding the dark hallways
that host games
all through the night.
take yourself back to
and hearts
that leaped
so willingly
take yourself back
to airports
and waiting to board
and leaving
and coming
and always leaving
and gingerale
and my phone is dead.
and my
now look at my face
have I not grown all these seeds myself?
now look down at your feet
you have been idle.
your hands your nose your heart your feet your face your hands your hair your ways.
now now now now.
look at my face
have you not known that I have only waited for you?
all these years and all these days.
ships rot,and shirts have lost their stiffness
around their colllar
around your face.
have you not known
I have only
Sat on a rooftop
*From the archives*
Sat on the rooftop
new york new york
how i loved you from the start
the east was welcoming me
so long to the south so long to all my graveyards in tennessee.
two years
singing the same song
of love
what you sow you reap
and the harvest was
all around
But then we broke
And he went west and I went east
I got a new boyfriend
A little too soon if you're asking me
you heard that i tend to end things before they end me
you have a yourself a girl
i heard about how you love her a little bit more than you ever loved me
And it was always supposed to be like that
nothing can be the same
only in my greatest fantasy.
oh my god
love wrecks up the pace
faster faster freeze
its cruel and its real unsafe
look what its done to me
it eats you from the inside
then rots you from the out
lost the color to my face
i felt it
we lose our minds never know it
now its too late and they notice
i am the night that wont stop
missing forever-dont wan't to be found
its not your right but go ahead
i was good for something once
teenage waistland
lost and not found
he is my portion
I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD.
Lamentations 3:19-26
foolishly he's frantic
and his loop has never changed
he will try to cover your eyes
with a blindfold a
welcome to your idolatry\welcome to the wandering
the carnal nature of lust
producing shame
always showing up is rage
that unholy trinity
wash away my sin,again.
The west coast used to be steady
the bzzzzing you can't drown out is omnipresent.
Remember when moving Out West was the Ultimate teen dream fantasy?