hello,i am writing to you in ink,not silences,1,000 feet deep...

wrapped up inside
a settled battle

one will that was brought here through DNA
the other through a series of failure
and we meet...in the middle
--no we meet 
at the same place.

actually I can't hold on to this any longer
its heavy and its bound to break

silence through silence i am leaving
my plans behind

sentence by sentence  you are planting  your sadness
in my garden of compassion

there is no more room here
for your roots of hesitation
and my blooms of ambition

If I am far too pale for you
then i will exit-silently

if I was far too haunting
for your peace of mind
then I will 
-human- ize 

perhaps I was far to fond
of the way you hunted
the collections you would
the habits you formed
10,000 feet under the sea

as glass

it breaks,it mends,it sl i p p ed.

--the universe that is

is not responsible for the faults you just made.
hesitant to the point of return
back to ground zero.

and I'm standing there in something sheer
with the purest of intentions

of love

of wholesome happenings

note by note

you are holding the key
which matches the melody
i wrote for you
once upon a lifetime

its obvious-
ill pass you by
on the street one day

and it wont matter
which door you closed
each stone you threw
each silence you
submitted to

inch by inch

we are floating away from the moment
we are stripping away

the foundation

that just couldn't take it.

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