as soon as you feel something throw it away

one by one

each word leaves your tongue

like a serpent you are planning your

next move. gash. bite. sting.

blood bath.

like a unicorn
I was hiding out

of rarity & preservation.

as a woman I have concealed all these

who decided that you
were allowed to

wound everything!

oh how we call upon the rain
when we are in need of a sound
to drown out all the suffering
all the shrieks in the nite
we are crying out for
day by day

we are requesting a

oh waisted heart

oh useless praise

how I elect you feeling of all the days.

my mother used to say:
as soon as you feel something
throw it away

if you could see me now I'de be sipping something with chamomile and rolling my eyes
as far as they can go

proving a point through science or
taking advantage of science?

as soon as you feel something
throw i t a w a y.

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